5 Simple Things You Can Do Today To Boost Your Confidence

WELLNESS | MAY 27, 2019





The good news is, there is never a better
time to start than now, so these are
5 easy things you can do to boost
yourself confidence today.

Confidence can be a slow muscle to build up. There are so many elements in our society that can cause our self confidence to dwindle, and then on top of that, we’ve got that inner monologue of self-doubt that creeps in and feeds our insecurities. When we see people with seemingly endless self confidence, it’s usually because they’ve worked on building their confidence up for years. The good news is, there is never a better time to start than now, so these are 5 easy things you can do to boost yourself confidence today: 

1. Get a workout in

Studies have proven that even just a few minutes a day of exercise can stimulate those ‘feel good’ endorphins to give you an instant mood lift. Long term, this has been proven to reduce feelings of depression, anxiety and improve self confidence. If you’re not sure where to get started working out, or you need to challenge yourself, Michelle Bridges 12WBT have over 15 different workout programs to kick those instant mood-enhancing hormones into overdrive. There’s sure to be a workout in there that leaves you walking away with your head held high. 

2. Care for yourself

We’re often guilt tripped into taking time out for ourselves, but self-care is akin to self-preservation — and you need that. Prioritise your needs, and make sure you do one thing a day that is just for you — whether that is to read a book, go for a walk, or take a bath. Looking after your body will have an enormous flow on effect for your confidence, so also ensure you are also fueling your body properly with the right nutrition, and not filling it with toxins like fast food, sugar and alcohol. Check out Michelle Bridges 12WBT for healthy meal options to get your nutrition on track.  

3. Set achievable goals

By setting achievable goals we give ourselves purpose to decide our own destiny. As we work towards those goals, and start to take actions that see us achieve the goals, you will gain self confidence in your own abilities in seeing your accomplishments. To get started, set 3 major goals, and break them down into achievable steps. Write them down and cross them off when you master them. 

4. Look in the mirror and pick 3 things you like about yourself

 As a new habit, every morning when you wake up, look in the mirror and pick 3 things you like about yourself. These can range from physical “I have great hair” to personality “I am a kind person” or even accomplishments “I am proud that I have worked hard for the job I have”. It is important to reflect on all that is good with you, and flush out the negative self dialogue. After all, you are amazing, you just need to believe it. 

5. Focus on how you treat people

When we start to project an attitude of kindness and empathy towards others, it changes how they interact with us. If you feel that you are constantly coming up against negativity in the way you interact with other people, focus on your own outward attitude. It may be tough at first, but when you start to project a more humane approach to other people, you will receive back that kindness in spades, and it will help you feel better and more confident with how the world sees you.